A Day with the Kids of La Carpio

I would like to share a typical day at Maria Aux with all of you, so as you feel your presence with us there. We usually follow the same schedule, however we do special days and Fiestas which I will share with you next time.

The Kids typically arrive at around 8:30, and are greeted by Sylvia and the volunteers. (The volunteers leave their ‘homes’ at 7 to be there for 8:30 every day as the bus ride is a bit far.)

9:15 is Prayer time, Sylvia asks one or 2 of the kids to come up next to her and pray with all their friends.

9:30 is learning time. Sylvia either reads a book to the kids and follows up with a few questions, or she discusses a new topic with them. ie: Love, kindness, cleanliness, or topics for learning about fruits and vegetables, or different names of animals…. Since the kids range from the age of 1 to 7, she asks different questions to different students to ensure everyone understands and that they are all learning.

10:00 we start the activities! The volunteers (or Sylvia when she has no volunteers) come up with fun activities for the kids to do – as long as they can also learn from them. (A few pics above of the preparations we do at home and the activities with the kids.)

11:00 am is snack time. All the parents send snacks with the kids. They mostly send jus, chips and crackers. We try to get them fruits with us at times and do activities related to fruits so as the day becomes one big fun game while they eat something healthy.

From 11:30 am till 12:30 am , the parents start to come by to pick up their kids. During this time we either put music and dance with them, or we play with Play Doh. They love to dance, and they LOVE Play Doh! We just need to make sure they don’t eat it 😉

During the first 2 weeks, this was my main focus with the kids. I supported the 2 lovely volunteers,  Olivia Jeter and Darcie Lewis, whom are spending 2 months at La Carpio helping Sylvia teach the kids, play with them, and love them. During this time, I also monitored the kids movements around the space to try and see what needs to be worked on and how we can make the space more efficient and supportive to their needs.

Believe me, every day, each and every one of you is there with us. In my thoughts, my actions, and in my heart, as I spend weeks with these kids trying to teach them all I have learnt from all of you.

Thank you,  for being here with us.



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