Currently Browsing: Construction


Before and After Moments at Maria Aux

During my time at Maria Aux, I learnt a lot. It was the first project for kidsdeservemore and we had beautiful days and many other challenging ones. These challenges however are very good, especially at the begging, as they help us understand how we can help different communities and how different cultures work. And contrary […]


Construction Tiiiime! and a Little Surprise from the Community.

Hello Lovely friends, It’s been about 2 weeks I haven’t written and updated everyone; Apologies! However, there IS a good reason. We were working very very hard! Aaaaaand the construction went very well – please read below. ? Once all the material was bought and taken to site, we had almost everything we needed; a school […]


Making a Change – Family and Friends’ Support

When we are fortunate enough to have the strength and capacity of helping others, we are lucky, very lucky. When we are surrounded by family and friends supporting us through it, we are blessed. I am both – and have no words to explain the gratitude and love in my heart. The support I have had from my family and […]

Maria Aux - Kids' Wall

A Bit of Creative Thinking at Maria Aux

Maria Aux is a small Church in the town of La Carpio. It is about 90 sqm and fits aprox 100 people at Mass time. It has a secondary room, the length of the Church (8 meters) and about 3 meters wide,  which the Kids call their ‘preschool’. In the back, there is a WC with a small […]