When we are fortunate enough to have the strength and capacity of helping others, we are lucky, very lucky. When we are surrounded by family and friends supporting us through it, we are blessed.
I am both – and have no words to explain the gratitude and love in my heart.
The support I have had from my family and friends (all of you) has been exceptional. It started a few months ago when you all found out I was coming out here, and is still ongoing as I am in San Jose writing to you. The calls and messages I get every day make me strong and motivated, especially since being here has been harder than I had imagined. It is amazing what you have all done all the way from your homes to support me in helping these beautiful kids and their families.
When I landed in Costa Rica , I had a feeling a project would find me. It is very challenging to find what you want online or through research. So I put myself in the right context , and the day I stepped into La Carpio, there it was – Maria Aux and all its beautiful kids.
Ideas started flowing on how to fix this lovely place – and it made me happy to see it all taking shape in my head even before the work started. The company I came through called Maximo Nivel which has a volunteer program (I will write a post about it soon) – was as supportive as it can be. Their Director, Marta Rodenas, and our Field Manager, Steve Hakim, wanted nothing more than to get things going and do the most we can for the Maria Aux.
The only challenges were, we had no volunteers in the construction domain, and we had no funding to support a new project (as they did not expect me to show up and want to do something like this).
This is where the extra support came in. I had set aside some funding myself for this trip as I knew we would need some for whatever I jump into. To add to it, I am lucky to have a brother and mother more supportive than I could have ever imagined. My brother, Roy Armale, (I’m sure you all know him, if not – you should meet him) is a spectacular big brother. His great mind, charisma, loyalty, and amazing love and support for his family and friends make us all want to do more and be more.
And so, all the way from Dubai, with his constant messages “text me in the morning and at night and don’t do anything stupid” (I did a few things – but who wouldn’t jump off a waterfall in Costa Rica?! ) he made sure he supported more than I could imagine. With that, him and I funded the project that you will see shaping up in the next few blogs. Thank you habiby. I love you.
Sooooo, we started shopping – and got all we needed for the reconstruction of the project. From paint, to gypsum and concrete mix, stickers with animals on them, toilet seats (much needed!), lockers for the kids, cabinets for organising the area…. You name it – I absolutely love shopping at a hardware store! – it was a special day. (I secretly go every few days to get more stuff – haha – I need to stop!)
To add to this, I started getting calls and messages from friends everywhere asking if they can support – and it filled my heart with so much joy. I hadn’t even mentioned we needed help, and everyone wanted to pitch in. Having you all trust me to help people get a better future and wanting to support – is the best feeling in the world. Thank you. Very very much . and as I promised you , we will start doing projects like this almost yearly and will get you all involved so as you can visit the location for a few days and see who and how you are helping.
We are going to make the world a better place – all together . We must.